Suddenly, a Knock on The Door Reaction

My thoughts on the article/story Suddenly, a Knock on The Door was intrigue. Although it was written 6 years ago, and taking place in Russia, it felt close to home for me. The story is that a man was invaded by different attackers coming to his house, presumably to rob him, and demand he tells a story for them. The more and more he tries to tell a story, the closer he feels he may get on death's doorstep.
The story itself is both intriguing to me, and terrifying. Terrifying because even though it came from the author Etgar Keret's perspective, but it felt like it was really happening in real life. To me, it felt real because of the rise in the news, and media of death, and gun violence in the world, as well as America. It's true the article was written in 2012, but it feels like it could have been written today, and nothing would be different. It's scary to think that could happen to anyone today, and whenever makes it even more relevant.
The second thought I felt through it's connections were intrigue, and suspense. The story was written off like it could have been a movie. A synopsis for a dramatic, suspenseful movie. The only problem is, not even the writer knows how it's going to end. I personally felt like I was in Keret's position, and I wanted to read more.
The changes I would make to adapt this story into a new medium would be to write some of the writings into a screenplay for a short movie. One that plays out like a drama, and have the characters show more anger, and fury through their emotions, and anger. I would also make the end of the short have Keret tell his story about who he is, and where he comes from.
In conclusion, this story/news article may have been written in 2012, but in 2018 it still feels relevant, especially in America.


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