My Recommendation "Blankets"

There are a number of things that can be recommended to anyone who wants to get into a hobby. Whether it's a book, a video game, movies, drawing, exercise, and more. To me, I can recommend a graphic novel to anyone who seems to be struggling with personal issues, faiths, and even the troubles of growing up. The novel is called "Blankets" by Craig Thompson.
The novel is based on a young man named Craig (Based on the author) growing up within a Christian lifestyle. Throughout the beginning of the book, Craig goes throughout most of the novel in search of his soul, and wants to break free of his fate despite what his parents, and his Church tell him. This isn't until he meets a girl named Raina at Church camp, and begins growing a loving relationship with throughout the story. When Craig has the chance to stay with Raina during his spring break, he takes the chance, and with her goes from an anti social character, to a more respectable, and lovable figure that cares not just for Raina, but her whole family. Towards the end however, Raina's parents are divorced, and Craig starts to head out to college. With a few memories by his side, he burns them in a fire, trying to forget his past, so he can move onto the future. With leaving only the blanket Raina made for him, Craig leaves home to go out into the world, get a job, go to college, and even get a haircut, becoming a more responsible adult in the process.
The novel itself was one of the first graphic novels I ever read, and was truly enraptured in. And I have a lot of praise for it even today. First the artistic style of the book is sublime, hand drawn art with scratches, and burns on the characters make the art style appear gritty. It certainly delivers on the art, and on the characterizations of Craig and Raina. I wished however that it went more into depth with a few more characters, but for the most part the story is based on Craig, and Raina living in a hard, gritty world. Another criticism I have is that the novel can be heavily religious in terms of its imagery, and symbolism. If you are willing to accept its style, and look past that however, you have nothing to worry about.
"Blankets" otherwise is a fantastic novel that should be read not just by high school students worried about going to college, but even college students still confused about their beliefs, faiths, or about what it means to love. The novel is surely a warm story that will open peoples hearts, and shed a tear because of it.


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