Media: The Message is Clear

Media, can be the best of things, and it can be the worst of things. The way we as humans learn about the world we live in is through the media. From news, to social media, to observing it from our phones. Sometimes if we hear a piece of news that is unnatural to our beings, we look away, and try not to think about it. We have the ability to look past the harsh realities of the world, in favor to look forward to the more positive viewings.
However it's because of our abilities to view the news we want to hear, and learn what we want to learn that we often fall behind to the rest of the world. Social media for example is how we view not only news, but how other people view it. Sometimes people can be overly dramatic when delivering "grave news" on their Facebook pages, but often it can be seen as overbearing to everyone browsing. Truly a nuisance.
This can also be a way to think differently about the person you know. (Disastrous news article + Dramatic response = Overreaction). This can be seen through just social media. The news as a form of media can be even worse in my opinion. Often they can be vulgar in the content they're showing. Showing violence in the media, and blaming video games, while being completely hypocritical about showing it themselves. All of it can be seen as a way to show how one thing is bad for you, while another is better.
Overall, the Media can be a questionable source of entertainment at points, but that doesn't mean it should be omitted in everyday life. I believe it should be cautiously optimized to everyone using this, and be more careful with the people abusing it.


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