Ready Player Spielberg

Throughout the novel "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline, it takes place in a futuristic Oklahoma, focusing on an 18 year old boy named Wade Watts. A character with a sad life around him with school, and his family, but is able to escape within a digital virtual reality called The Oasis. There, he can be whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and with no limits. Making it a dream come true for a simulation to live in.
Throughout the novel, Wade hangs out with his friend Aech discuss about the games they played, while also talking about old movies. While this is occurring, Wade brings up a Steven Spielberg while talking about classic movies. Being that the movie will be directed by Spielberg, I thought of it as an ironic quote, and that gave me an idea for a script for the movie.
Maybe when Wade is going into The Oasis, he can work or act in a Spielberg movie, and work directly with Spielberg on his famous movies. Such as E.T., Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jaws, and even his other movies.
This would work by having Wade enter the world through his Oasis goggles, and the scene would end by having him take them off.

Scene begins with Wade walking to his van, getting ready to go into the Oasis, then shuts the car door behind him.
Wade: Alright, time to go in. zoom into goggles while being put on.
Show transition of Wade's character forming on set.
Spielberg: WADE!
Wade: Mr. Spielberg, I, I, I.
Spielberg: Don't bother giving an excuse to why you're late, we have to film.
Wade then heads to the set where he will play the older brother in E.T.
Spielberg: Aaaannnd, ACTION!
Wade: Wait what? Uh, E - Elliot, why are you keeping this thing here?
Kid Playing Elliot: He was lost, we have to keep him safe, so no one tries to take him away.
E.T: Huuumannn.
Kid Playing Elliot: Michael, please keep this secret.
Wade: Uh, y-yeah okay, uh I don't really know what else to say.
Spielberg: CUT! (Walks up to Wade to talk) Alright listen Wade, I hired you to play the older brother in the movie, if you're not going to take this seriously, I will find someone else to do it. Your next line is "Just don't tell mom." Alright?
Wade: Okay right, sorry about that.
Scene ends with Wade finishing off the scene with the rest of the cast, then exits out of the Oasis.


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