Elliot Stein Prolouge

Prologue to Elliot Stein

Difference can be a powerful trait of someone. The difference to think, learn, act, or repeat can be what defines someone over another. Although I have numerous differences to myself, I still feel equal to the forms of studying in school. I say this, as I have a big learning difference that may slow me down from learning anything big, and I can sometimes feel overwhelmed. However, do not feel discouraged to take it slow for myself, just a quick understanding of the project outside of class can help catch me up with whats to come.

For me I come from Colorado, where for 13 years, I have been apart of a changing educational system. Changing more of my leaning skills over the years, with what I've learned, am learning, and what I would like to do with my life. School, or work in general are things that I personally love to do, for it stimulates my mind, and gives me motivation to work throughout the day.

I feel this to be relevant as although I adore learning, I am not the most passionate reader in my family or in any class. That's not to say I don't like reading, it helps relieve my stress, and help me escape into a world of fiction, and wonder. The problem with it for me is that usually I don't make enough time for me to read outside of my school day. That, and often I cannot be engaged into a book more than a movie tv show or even video game.

While my reading skills need extra work, I am always willing to accept a challenge for design. Whether it be to design animation, a digital design, or an abstract sculpture, I always want to expand my skills outside the world of media, and literature. I am a motion designer at heart, and even if I am shunned out of it for even just a semester, nothing will stop my passion for the major, and achieving my dreams. I hope one day to be a designer, or animator, and I can express my creative freedom with the mediums.

It is true, my reading skills are not the greatest, and I can lose focus at times when reading something, but with extra help, and taking precise notes, I believe these faults will be a thing of the past. It's why I wish to be pulled back into the passion of books, freedom, and creativity can be seen through the mind, and read for the soul.


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