
Showing posts from January, 2018

How True Grit Breaks Mythology

In the novel True Grit by Charles Portis, it explores the themes of what a Western drama can be. Following Mattie Ross after her father was killed by Tom Chaney, she tries to persuade the help of Marshall Ruben Cogburn, to help find Chaney, and kill him. On the other hand, a Texas Ranger named Le Boeuf is also after Chaney to bring him to Justice. While heading into the wild lands to find Chaney, Mattie also has the passion to join the two men on their mission, but is rejected by the two for thinking she would slow them down, or get in their way. It isn't until Le Boeuf takes it too far, and torments Mattie that Cogburn nearly kills him, and allows Mattie to come along. Throughout the journey, all three learn to respect one another more, especially Cogburn to Mattie, almost becoming like a father-figure to her, and continuously search for Chaney until the job is done. True Grit as a story is a Western thriller, and action story as it continues on, giving more of a suspenseful feel

Elliot Stein Prolouge

Prologue to Elliot Stein Difference can be a powerful trait of someone. The difference to think, learn, act, or repeat can be what defines someone over another. Although I have numerous differences to myself, I still feel equal to the forms of studying in school. I say this, as I have a big learning difference that may slow me down from learning anything big, and I can sometimes feel overwhelmed. However, do not feel discouraged to take it slow for myself, just a quick understanding of the project outside of class can help catch me up with whats to come. For me I come from Colorado, where for 13 years, I have been apart of a changing educational system. Changing more of my leaning skills over the years, with what I've learned, am learning, and what I would like to do with my life. School, or work in general are things that I personally love to do, for it stimulates my mind, and gives me motivation to work throughout the day. I feel this to be relevant as although I adore lear